CompoStar Organic Fruiting System for Lanzones

Bringing Lanzones Back Into a Fruiting Cycle

Bio-Agritech Inc. is a progressive Agro-technology company based in the Philippines. They maintain a holistic and organic approach to farming and aim to improve soil conditions to help to resuscitate their decimated Lanzones fruit tree plantations.


farmer holding lanzones leaves


Bio-Agritech has been conducting a 6 year study to rejuvenate the Lanzones plantations in Joel Town, San Pablo City, Laguna, Phillippines. The study comprised of over 200 mature tree’s which had not produced any blooms or fruit in over 20 years. 150 trees had the trials method applied, while 50 trees remained untreated, with the exception of irrigation, as a control.

A Four-Stage Study

Bio-Agritech utilized their Compostar Soil Conditioner and MIGHTEA Bag to bring back the Lanzones into a fruiting cycle. There were four distinct stages of this study:

1. Soil Conditioning & Vegetative growth promotion

Each of the 150 Lanzones trees received 40 kg of Compostar™ Soil conditioner around the base to help restore the depleted soils in September. Then, for each cluster of 30 trees they also received MIGHTEA solution 200L of solution through drip irrigation daily. The 150 tree’s received the MIGHTEA solution for 8 weeks. The Bags were changed 4 times during this period. Additionally, the trees received foliar sprays of 0.5% LSS1 Nutrient supplements.

2. Flowering Induction

Each of the Lanzones tree clusters received the same 200L solution daily for another 8 weeks. The MIGHTEA bags were changed 4 times during this period. The trees received additional foliar sprays at 0.5% of LSS2.

3. Maturation Period

For this period the same methods were applied. 200L of solution per 30 tree cluster daily. Additionally, application of foliar spray at 0.5% LSS3.

4. Fruit Development

Each of the tree clusters received the same 200L of solution daily, but the MIGHTEA bag was changed 8 times, or once per week, leading all the way up to harvest time.


Bio-Agritech was able to bring this plantation back to flowering and bearing fruit. Strong growth responses were observed such as higher quality more dense foliage and greater shoot extension throughout the period of the study.

Black Earth is proud to be a key ingredient of Bio-Agritech’s nutrition program, and involved in the revitalization of this once productive facet of agriculture in the Philippines.

lanzones fruit on tree
